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While the Rainforest Alliance’s goal is a future without highly hazardous pesticides, demanding that banana farmers immediately stop their use of mancozeb before a viable alternative is found poses a severe risk of crop losses with devastating effects on farmers who already struggle to make ends meet and provide decent pay and safe conditions for their workers.

Cavendish bananas, which dominate global export, are extremely susceptible to pests and diseases and are therefore heavily dependent on pesticides. Mancozeb was prohibited in our standard prior to the EU ban, but to protect the economic well-being of farmers, workers, and their communities, we are allowing gradual phase-out by banana farmers according to strict health and safety requirements (

Mancozeb is only one of many pesticides that needs phasing out. To significantly reduce the use of all pesticides in banana production in the long term, while securing the economic well-being of farmers, farm workers, and their communities, a fundamental switch in practices is needed. A successful transition away from pesticide use requires industry and buyer support for farmers, including a higher price for their crops.

Regarding the photos featured in the blog post, could you please share when and where the photographs were taken?

For more information, please read our Integrated Pest Management and Natural Farming Solutions position paper (

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